Thanks for riding with me

Hey its Maddox and thanks for tagging along on this wonderful journey to Seoul for a great oppurtunity to be challenged outside of the US boundaries.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


So in the midst of this prep week I've experienced my fair share of Korean food , way beyond the LA Korean BBQ. In all honesty I haven't even had Korean BBQ since being here. Seeing that my wife and I are lovers of world food it was easy to appreciate the delicacy of Seoul. The uncertainty that a young brother from LA would appreciate their cuisine and know how to use chopsticks was quite a surprise. The first day upon arriving we went out to a great traditional Korean restaurant. The moment was a bit of a reality check of being a guest in someone else house, and having them had to order for me because I couldn't recognize anything on the menu nor read the language.
Having only my two small experiences with Korean food while living in Hollywood, I gotta say I was like "ehhhhh, its aight." Gotta say as cliche as it may sound it was a different experience here, the taste was a little familiar but the flavor was on something different, different and pleasing than my first experience in K-town LA. Being that Ethiopian is one of my favorite kinds of food to eat, the whole idea of a community table is truly intimate. Especially when you don't have the slightest idea of who you are eating with, nor what you are eating until you taste it. Mind you we did have a translater, JP, but he only gave brief descriptions of the non-pork items that I participated in. It was great and I truly surprised my hosts in how much I genuinely enjoyed the meal. This just kicked off a full week of tasting experiences that has yet to stop.

One thing that is so funny and great out here is the delivery system, my director Christian being who he is wanted to see and experience McDonalds. Mc Ds has a fleet of delivery scooters. This whole city has delivery scooters for everything! It trips me out because these cats ride so close with no fear but just the mission in mind. So being a shameless American I had to take a pict.

Gotta say this first week has felt like a month between the pre-production and working out the schedule and just getting adjusted. The food and the little night life we've experienced has left a lasting impression already. As my wife knows, great food for me/us makes a world of difference in how I am experiencing a sunday afternoon in LA or a tuesday in the middle of Seoul Korea. Its amazing out here and I am truly enjoying immersing myself in this blessed experience in the sharing of this human experience of life with many new friends. Peace and blessings. Thanks TMU

Making Lisa proud as a humble guest.

1 comment:

  1. Ride the wave Maddox, the world is a feast for the senses-Looks like you're diving in with gusto, and riding the Wave!
